Friday, February 10, 2017

The benefits and dangers of vegetable jengkol

have you ever consume jengkol ..?
Also read the article about... Squash importance and benefits 
This time let us discuss about the benefits and dangers of consuming jengkol, perhaps from friends visitors unfamiliar with the name jengkol, just let us discuss about the benefits and dangers of jengkol.
Bigfoot or Jering or Pithecollobium Jiringa or Pithecollobium Labatum is a typical plant in the region of Southeast Asia, including the popular in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, especially in West Java which is a day consumed 100 ton.Dibalik odor generated jengkol, it contained useful benefits for health , According to various studies show that jengkol also rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, alkaloids, essential oils, steroids, glycosides, tannins and saponins.
       The benefit of consuming jengkol
Especially for the content of vitamin C contained 80 mg in 100 grams of seed jengkol, while the figure recommended dietary allowance is 75 mg per day for adult women and 90 mg for adult men. Additionally, Bigfoot is a good source of protein, ie 23.3 g per 100 g of material. Protein levels far exceeding tempeh, which is known as a source of vegetable protein, which is only 18.3 g / 100 g. The protein requirement of each individual course, vary. In addition to helping the growth and maintenance, protein also serves to build enzymes, hormones, and immunity. Therefore, protein is often called a builder substances. For iron, Jengkol containing 4.7 g per 100 g. Lack of iron can cause anemia. The symptoms of people suffering from iron-deficiency anemia are fatigue, weakness, pale and less passionate, headaches and irritable, unable to concentrate, and are vulnerable to infection. Patients with chronic anemia showed shape like spoons and brittle nails, cracked at the corners of the mouth, tongue difficulty swallowing. Adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers, adults, and vegetarians are most at risk for iron deficiency. In the body, iron partially located within the red blood cells as heme, a pigment-containing nucleus of an atom of iron.
Bigfoot is also very good for bone health because of the high content of calcium, which is 140 mg / 100 g. The role of calcium in general can be divided into two, which helps the formation of bones and teeth, and regulate biological processes in the body. The calcium purposes is during infancy, but in adulthood the consumption of sufficient highly recommended to maintain bone health. The recommended calcium intake for adults is 800 mg per day. The content of phosphorus in jengkol (166.7 mg / 100 g) is also very important for the formation of bones and teeth, as well as for energy storage and expenditure.
          The dangers of consuming jengkol
The risk of getting jengkolan (can not urinate) does not depend on the number of jengkol consumed, but depending on the vulnerability of a person's body. People who are vulnerable, consume little jengkol alone can cause jengkolan. What affects one's susceptibility to acid Jengkolat unclear, but may be due to genetic and environmental factors.
1. It smelled so sharp
The cause of the smell was actually the amino acids contained in the seed jengkol. Amino acids is dominated by amino acids that contain the element sulfur (S). When degraded or fragmented into smaller components, the amino acids will produce various flavor components very smelly, because the influence of the sulfur. One of the gas that is formed with elements of H2S gas that is notoriously smelly.
1. Acid jengkolat
Jengkolat acid is one of the components contained in the seeds jengkol. The structure is similar to amino acids (building blocks of protein), but it can not be digested. Therefore, it can not provide any benefit to the body. Even on a variety of food chemistry books, Jengkolat acid is considered as one of the toxins that can interfere with the human body. Jengkolat acid content in the seeds jengkol varies, depending on the variety and age of seeds jengkol. The numbers between 1-2% of the seed weight jengkol. But clearly this Jengkolat acid can cause health problems. The cause is the formation of acid crystals will Jengkolat can clog the urinary tract. If the crystals formed is increasing, it kelama-lamaan may cause interference when spending urine. Even if the formation of infection which is likely to cause further disturbances such as kidney and prostate disorders.
Jengkolat acid has a molecular structure that resembles the amino acid cysteine containing elemental sulfur, thus participating in the formation of the smell. The molecules present in free form and sparingly soluble in water. Therefore a certain amount Jengkolat acid can form crystals. Naturally, the body reaction to disturbances that arise from the outside. In terms Jengkolat acid, pH or acidity of human urine is different. There is acidic, some are neutral. In the urine relatively neutral, the disorder is smaller risks. While in the urine more acidic, crystal formation was relatively faster. Even in the urine acidic, there is the possibility of the formation of crystals in the human kidney. In this condition, the consequences will inflict more serious that it can not urinate. So for those who want to take jengkol yes go ahead, do not be ashamed. But the limit and do not go overboard in taking it.
maybe it's just that I can share, apologize for all its faults, the criticism and saranya I expected for the development of this new blog. 
Thank you


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