Thursday, February 9, 2017

Squash importance and benefits

This time we talk about squash or pumpkin Did you know it turns fruits such as squash a lot of benefits, not just a meal but it turns out good in the fruit contains a lot of vitamins or medication drugs
Also read the previous article on: Range of benefits of citrus fruits
Okay I will explain some of the benefits of fruit squash, hopefully we can increase our knowledge
Cultivation Yellow Pumpkin Yellow Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) is suitable dikembangakn agricultural commodities as an alternative to food. This fruit contains sufficient nutrients and beneficial for the health of the Yellow Pumpkin or pumpkin synonymous with fruit in the month of fasting. Understandably, during Ramadan this fruit compote searched for basic materials. Not only compote, Yellow Pumpkin can also be for a variety of food, ranging from infant rice team, cakes (dawet, lepet, porridge, dodol) until the pumpkin flour. In fact, DPN HKTI developing these commodities for raw materials noodles were then known as Noodle Tani. As foodstuffs, Yellow Pumpkin is rich in vitamins A and C, minerals, and carbohydrates. It also contains substances that are beneficial to health, among other substances in the form of beta-carotene carotenoids. Because the pumpkin is nicknamed "king of beta-carotene," which serves to protect the eyes against cataracts. Also against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dysentery, kidney, fever, and diarrhea. As well as containing the antidote and tapeworms. Pumpkin including plant species for cultivation spread so need a buffer, such as a trellis or rack as high as 2-3 meters. There are five species of pumpkin it is commonly known, namely Duchenes Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita Ficifolia Bouche, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita moschata Duchenes, and Cucurbita pipo L. Kelimanya called pumpkin (pumpkin) because it has characteristics similar. This plant grows well in the tropics, from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. These plants can adapt well in warm conditions with temperatures of 18-27 degrees. The trunk vines reach 5-10 meters, quite strong, hairy bit sharp, and highly branched. Yellow pumpkin breed in generative, and can also be propagated vegetatively. Planting distance of 1-1.5 m between rows, and 60-120 cm between plants in rows. Planting can be done in the dry land, yards, and in the Holy.
efficacy chayote

Water as a detoxifying fruit and seeds are known as the oil-rich Cucurbitae Cement drugs can be tapeworms. Can also prevent degenerative diseases such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes), atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, even it could also prevent cancer. Able to cure inflammation, renal medicine, fever, diarrhea, dysentery and constipation. In a research report, Kyung-Soo Hahm, Yoonkyung Park and colleagues noted that the pumpkin is already known in traditional medicine in some countries. The results of research in cell cultures showed that one type of protein has a strong effect in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans, without causing toxic effects.
Importance Squash in Pregnant Women
Although the shape is not exotic, squash many benefits for human health. Vegetables are cheaper to buy a healthy food for the heart, able to ward off cancer, and very good for pregnant women. Chayote was first discovered by Patrick Browne in Jamaica in 1756. These plants are grown in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In Mexico, the plant chayote fruit is not only used as a vegetable, the tuber as well as food sources of carbohydrates. Chayote vegetable is not alien to the majority of the Indonesian population. Chayote is known by several names, such as pumpkin Jipang (Central Java), manisah (East Java), as well as pumpkin siam (West Java). Internationally, this vegetable called chayote. In everyday life, known as chayote fruit vegetables healthy. The fruit can be cooked as vegetables, lodeh, stir-stir, or vegetable acids. Shoots stems and young leaves used to make salad or other vegetables.
Chayote (Sechium edule Sw) is a plant belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. These plants include vines that can grow on land highlands and lowlands, without requiring special care. Based on his appearance, squash divided into two varieties, the varieties of squash and pumpkin varieties of wine. Squash varieties have large fruit size, can be harvested in the stadium is old enough to vegetable material, or a very young stage (baby) as an ingredient vegetables. Pumpkin grape varieties have small fruit size, generally harvested at a very young stage (baby) to be used as fresh vegetables. Fiber-rich nutritional composition of squash can be seen in the table. Fruit squash have a fiber content is good enough, which is 1.7 g per 100 g. Consumption of fiber in sufficient quantities is very good for constipation and safe for sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation. Dietary fiber can reduce the risk of cancer caused digestive system is not perfect.
Fruit squash are also rich in potassium. Potassium is useful for the body to control blood pressure, high blood therapy, and clean carbon dioxide in the blood. Potassium is also useful for working muscles and trigger ganglion. High potassium will also facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain and help facilitate fluid balance, so that the body becomes more fresh. In addition, fruit squash also contain vitamin components are quite high. Niacin is part of the vitamin B complex known as vitamin B3, is used to decrease the production of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) in the liver, resulting in the production of LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides may be lowered. Niacin plays a role in enzymatic reactions in the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, namely as a coenzyme coenzyme I and II. Niacin is necessary for the energy supply in normal body tissues. Severe niacin deficiency after a few months will result in pellagra and dermatitis, the skin disorder is distinctive and symmetrical, especially in parts of the body that are not covered such as hands, arms, elbows, legs, skin, and neck. Squash is also rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 has an important role in protein metabolism.
Vitamin B6 is essential for the process of transamination and deamination and decarboxylation of amino acids. Needs reach 0.02 mg per day for adults, 0,015 mg for infants, for children from 0.2 to 1.2, and 1.4 to 2 mg for teenagers. The content of selenium in the squash is also quite good. Selenium plays an important role to improve mood. A study in the United States (1996) proved that the person who most lower body selenium levels showed the worst mood. Consumption is recommended around 55-70 micrograms of selenium per day. Prevent Hypertension Chayote has a number of properties that are beneficial for the body. One of the biggest benefits of squash is the ability to lower high blood pressure. Food pertained heart-healthy foods.
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