Friday, February 24, 2017

Papaya fruit healthy

Hey buddy ... good morning! How are you today? wish you good health always...
I do not will not stop writing, share info about a health ..
Because it is healthy it is very valuable in the future compared with harta.dan ku hopefully this article can be known by many people.
at time ago I posted about Benefits of mango we know each fruits must contain benefits for our bodies.
Not much different from the previous article about the benefits of fruits, as an alternative to the healing of various diseases.
and this morning I want to post the benefits of Papaya fruit

Did you ever consume papaya?
Humans who are preoccupied with work schedules must often do not pay attention to a good diet and healthy. In fact, diet greatly affect the body's performance in conducting activities throughout the day. Many people who choose not to have breakfast in the morning with a reason to not sleepy while attending classes. We need to know that in fact the breakfast is very important for a worker, it is because people need a lot of energy thinking all day. Nutritionists and culinary, Soenardi Tuti, said if men like cars, breakfast is, Äúbensin pertama,Äù which makes the car able to walk, even speeding. Conversely, if lacking, Äúbensin,Äù or even completely empty, the car was sluggish and eventually breaking down. Because there is no balance between the nutrients entering the energy out, we often experience fatigue kelelahan.Untuk prevent it, we should have breakfast every day with a healthy and nutritious menu. Breakfast or morning meal is important. The reason is because during sleep for approximately 8 hours of our bodies there is no food that enters the body, while activities such as breathing, moving or other light activities continue running. Consequently sugar levels in the body are very low. Meanwhile, on the morning of physical activity began to walk, like to travel to the office, thinking or concentration need to be able to perform activities well. All these require their energy and energy obtained from the food we eat in the morning. If we have breakfast, then we would not be unthinkable with things like stomach hunger. In addition, a healthy breakfast can also lower cholesterol levels in the body.
The breakfast is something very important and should be done by someone if it will begin activities on that day. Nutrition experts speculate that eating a balanced diet in large quantities in the morning to help reduce the desire to eat carbohydrates in the meal schedule next. Especially if the concerned indeed run programs carbohydrate and calorie consumption reduction with the goal to lose weight. Meanwhile, an epidemiologist from the University of Minnesota, Mark A Pereira stated that the foundation of a healthy breakfast is a good start for the next meal schedule. That is, people who eat a healthy breakfast with a menu that will choose healthy menu also at lunchtime and in the evening. Breakfast can reduce our weight, but it also can determine a person's ability to start the activity. As has been mentioned that a healthy breakfast menu is not put on the diet containing foods high in carbohydrates and calories, but a diet low in calories but packed with energy, for example, is a fruit. Breakfast using fruits can energize us without causing sedation when finished breakfast so breakfast with fruits is very good for us. This is due to increase energy and concentration when we study and do not bother us with sleepiness while lectures or when other activities. One of the highly recommended fruits are papaya fruit.
Fruit Papaya
Papaya is a fruit of a herbaceous plant of the family Caricaceae coming from Central America and the West Indies even Neighborhood Mexico and Costa Rica. Papaya plant widely grown people, both in the tropics and sub-tropics. In areas of wet and dry areas or in the plains and mountains (up to 1000 m above sea level). Papaya fruit is a fruit table high quality and nutritious. In Indonesia papaya plants scattered everywhere even become perkarangan plant. Sentra planting papaya fruit in Indonesia is the region of West Java (Sukabumi), East Java (Malang), Yogyakarta (Sleman), Central Lampung, South Sulawesi (Toraja), North Sulawesi (Manado). CONTENT IN FRUIT Papaya According to VN Villegas in his article in Southeast Asia Resource Plant 2: The fruits are edible, about 60 percent of ripe papaya fruit that can be eaten. Every 100 grams of papaya contains an average of 86.6 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 12.1 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 0.5 grams of ash, 34 mg calcium, 11 mg phosphorus, iron 1 mg, 3 mg potassium, 450 mg of vitamin A, 74 mg vitamin C, 0.03 mg thiamine, niacin 0.5 mg, and 0.04 mg of riboflavin.
Values energy 200 Kj / 100 grams and the sugar content is primarily sucrose (48.3 percent), glucose (29.3 percent), and fructose (21.9 percent). In the body, vitamin A serves to maintain eye health and reduce the risk of cataracts. Papaya is a source of vitamin C is high enough, Vitamin C can increase the body's resistance to disease. Papaya fruit is an excellent source of beta-carotene. According to research at the National Cancer Fund Institute, a fruit rich in beta-carotene have the ability as an antioxidant that plays an important role in stabilizing the free radicals that would reduce the risk of cancer.
There are many reasons why our underlying papaya used as a breakfast menu every morning. First, the papaya fruit contains a variety of enzymes vitamins and minerals. Its vitamin A content of more than vitamin C it. Rich with vitamin B complex and vitamin E. Second, papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme is very active and has the ability to accelerate the process of protein digestion. Digestion of proteins is a common problem faced by many people. Third, the protein content of papaya fruit is not too high, but this small amount can be almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This is due to the enzyme papain in papaya fruit is able to digest a substance 35 times larger than its size alone. Fourth, Papain can break down proteins into arginine. The compound arginine is one of the essential amino acids in normal conditions could not produce the body and obtained through foods such as eggs and Yeast. Fifth, papaya also can speed up the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. Papain enzyme capable of breaking down the fibers of the meat, so the meat is more easily digested. Papaya also has antiseptic properties and helps prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the gut. Papaya helps normalize the pH of the intestine becomes normal intestinal flora. Many of the benefits of papaya for our bodies, then let's start from now on we have breakfast with papaya fruit which proved to contain a lot of benefits.
therefore it was why breakfast is important ... 
Now let us breakfast with a nutritious and healthy menu :)



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