Sunday, November 18, 2018

Map of anyer beach

Map of anyer beach
To find out which ones include Anyer sub-district, if you come from the direction of Jakarta. So after passing through the industrial area, you will see a gate that reads "Welcome to Anyer District". Where after the gate there was the market area of ​​Anyer which was quite crowded. That is the initial boundary of the area called Anyer. Actually when you enter that market area alone. You are on the beach. But to see the beach, you have to enter a little to the right. Because the beach has been covered by residential areas. And if you continue the journey, not long after the Anyer beach market will begin to appear. And mostly where tourists and visitors just realize that they are already in the Anyer Beach area.
You will enjoy the highway with a view of the beach until the border between Anyer and Carita. So, until the border of Anyer sub-district, that's just the end of Anyer Beach and you will continue with the view from the Beaches at Carita.
welcome to anyer beach

Difference between Anyer Beach and Carita Beach
Maybe there is a little confusion in your mind, what is the difference between Anyer beach and Carita Beach? some even call it Anyer Carita Beach. Even though the two beaches are two different coastal areas. Actually the name of Carita Beach is also not far from Anyer beach. The name "Carita" itself was taken from the name of the area around Carita beach as well. So like Anyer beach, Carita Beach is also a term for beaches in the Carita area of Serang district - Banten. The names of Anyer and Carita Beaches are two coastal areas in each place, namely Anyer and Carita.
Vacation on the Beach especially if you go with your family and friends, there are many things we can do Various fun activities can refresh our minds, including:
1. Swim on the beach
2. Play water sport
3. Build a sand castle
4. Snorkeling
5. Surfing / surfing
6. Enjoy the sunset and sunrise
7. Gather with family while enjoying the beauty of the beach
And there are many other activeias that we can do. And don't forget to capture those beautiful moments by taking pictures. So that when you return to daily activities, you will have happy memories with family and friends at Anyer Beach.
Lodging in Anyer
It's not complete to enjoy the beauty of Anyer Beach in just one day. To complement your vacation, you can also stay at hotels, cottages, villas, or home stays in the Anyer Beach area. Starting from simple lodging to classy everything is in the Anyer area. Of course, every inn has its own facilities and advantages. But most of the accommodations in Anyer already have adequate facilities such as full AC rooms, swimming pools, water sports like jetski and bout banana, ATV, and many other facilities.
The Advantages of Anyer Beach Compared to Others
Why should Anyer Beach be the destination? whereas in Banten province it is not just Anyer beach but there are still many other beaches. It is true, but until now Anyer Beach is still excellent because of its location which is easily accessible and close to the capital city of Jakarta. In addition, the facilities at Anyer beach are also very complete. As well as many interesting spots that can spoil our eyes when visiting. So, are you still hesitant to visit Anyer Beach?

Sumber: pantai Anyer,net


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